Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Homeschool When Mom (or Dad) is Sick

Ugh. You know the feeling. You wake up in the morning and can just feel that things are not right. In a perfect world, you'd just curl yourself back up under the blankets and try to go back to sleep just to avoid feeling like this all day. But no...... the kids are up and everyone's healthy but you. How does your family handle days like this?


- Declare a day off. Skip the work altogether. Let the older ones heat up some soup for you. Of course, this is really an option only if you can be at least fairly sure that the kids will not cut open the sofa and spread jelly all over the stove while you're safely tucked in bed.......

- Pull out those educational videos. Let the kids go to town watching Discovery Channel shows, practicing along with French-language DVDs, or scouring discoverystreaming for age-appropriate health vids.

- Just scale back a bit. Have the kids sit where they can hear/see you, but can't catch your germs. Let them read something, then tell you about what they learned. They can be moving forward with their education with a minimum amount of physical effort on your part.

- Are you lucky enough to have a family member or a homeschooling friend who can take the kids for the day? Spare just a fraction of a second to think about all those parents without a support system as good as yours and make the call!

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